BeerBlog Continues!

November 16, 2010 at 6:55 pm (beer) (, , )

Apologies for the delay. Work was busy, and now I’m unemployed again so I have free time.

Wheee! Thanks Lauren!

The very lovely Lauren brought us some Driftwood Ale on our Games Night a few weeks ago. Now, I like ales. I do. But I prefer reds and ambers and some fruit ales. Pales and IPAs are good, but I’m not big on the BAMHOPS taste that you get. Even Garrison’s Hopyard didn’t win me over, and we all know my thoughts on them. I don’t know what it is, but the overwhelmingly flowery aroma of most hops doesn’t do much for me. However. Chloe and I both agreed that Driftwood Ale is quite nice. It definitely has that floral scent of hops and the taste is a bit like a punch in the tongue but it isn’t as intense as others, which was nice. What I quite enjoyed was that as I kept drinking, the taste stayed the same. I know that sounds weird, but with some beer I’ve had, the taste gets to be too strong or too bitter or too weak and so forth. But this was a great, clean, consistent flavor. Considering my intro to IPA’s and their kind was Alexander Keith’s (which NO ONE, EVER, AT ANYTIME, SHOULD DRINK), to taste a REAL ale was a bit of a shock at first. Maybe I’ll grow to like ’em. Who knows. I wasn’t big on porters/stouts a while back but now I’m quite the fan. Another thing to note was how awesome the colour was.

Great ale colour and a really frothy head.

I’m not in a big rush to try the ale again (but thanks again Lauren!). I am curious about their other brews though. They have a wheat and something else I noticed last night at the store but the name escapes me.
That, to me, is the sign of a quality brewery. Even though I’m not keen on one beer, it was interesting enough to get me curious about other brews.

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