BeerBlog Returns!

January 9, 2011 at 9:58 pm (beer) (, , )

Gah. I do apologize for the delay. Crippling unemployment makes it hard to purchase beer. But I’ve managed to try some via gifts and having a temp job before NYE, so huzzah for us!
First up is this:

St Ambroise. Good god, that place makes a delicious brew. We’d had the stout a while back and absolutely loved it. It’s in my top 5 favourite stouts for sure. Interestingly enough (to us, anyway) their stout goes incredibly well with M&Ms. No really. It does. Anyway, that wasn’t a new brew, technically but hey, it was offered so we took it.
We also had the Scotch Ale. Scotch Ales are a bit of a new thing for me, as I’ve only been able to really find them en masse out here. We’ve had a few, but this was the best. Have you ever had really, really good Scottish shortbread cookies? Like really rich buttery ones that almost melt in your mouth? Yeah this beer tasted similar to those, but, beer-y. I know that doesn’t make ANY sense but that’s ok. It was so good, my brain shut down for a minute. Chloe put it quite well: “It tastes like shortbreads but with more butterscotch flavor”.
Unfortunately, this stuff is hard to find in regular stores. Even the fairly well-stocked Dover Arms doesn’t have it. Most BC Liquor Stores have the stout, the apricot and the blonde. But the Scotch ale comes in a variety pack and I’m thinking I’m going to have to trek out to East Van or down to King Edward and Oak to check out some independent stores there.

Anyway, sorry we’ve taken forever to do another entry. We’ve had a few lately and if I get a full-time job soon, we’ll be able to do this more regularly. Yay!
Coming soon: Cannery Scotch Ale, Cannery Mixed 6, Sam Adams Boston Lager

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